Office of Diné Y.O.U.T.H. - Fort Defiance Agency
Young Optimists United Toward Hozho
Mission: To advocate, educate an develop resilient healthy generations of youth through partnerships to balance and live in a diverse society.
The Office of Diné Youth, Fort Defiance Agency in partnership with various resources helps to provide youth and their family’s services that essentially build character, self-esteem, and leadership skills. Services such as: community service, service learning, recreation/physical fitness, youth employment experiences, and prevention/intervention projects are provided through an array of scheduled activities. Additionally, OYD advocates for the overall needs and security of youth/family development programs with emphasis to support lifelong character building, education and personal skill development programs.
- Valerie Tom, Program Supervisor III
- Tina Tommy, Office Specialist
- Brandon Lee, Building Maintenance Worker
- Janet Lomasney, Programs & Projects Specialist
- Nathaniel Natonabah, Prevention Specialist
- Tasha Williams, Prevention Specialist
- Marissa Morgan, Recreation Specialist
- Audrey Beyale, Recreation Coordinator
- Philson Wauneka, Recreation Coordinator
- Trevor Foster, Recreation Aide
- Devin Toledo, Recreation Aide
Contact Information
P.O. Box 2090 • Fort Defiance, AZ 86504
p: (928) 729-4336
f: (928) 729-4339
Please be aware pets are not allowed on the complex. The only exception is if your pet is a "service animal". This is for the safety of the youth and families that utilize the facility.
We proudly make every effort to serve the Navajo Nation! Navajo Nation Fort Defiance Agency consists of the following chapters/communities:
- Crystal, NM
- Cornfields, AZ
- Coyote Canyon, NM
- Dilkon, AZ
- Fort Defiance, AZ
- Ganado, AZ
- Houck, AZ
- Indian Wells, AZ
- Jeddito, AZ
- Kin Dah Lichii (Kinlichee), AZ
- Klagetoh, AZ
- Greasewood Springs, AZ
- Tse Si Ani (Lupton), AZ
- Mexican Springs, NM
- Nahat'a Dziil, AZ
- Naschitti, NM
- Oak Springs, AZ
- Red Lake #18, NM
- Sawmill, AZ
- Steamboat, AZ
- St. Michaels, AZ
- Teesto, AZ
- Tohatchi, NM
- Bahastl'ah' (Twin Lakes), NM
- White Cone, AZ
- Wide Ruins, AZ