The Office of Diné Youth exists to advocate, educate and develop resilient healthy generations of youth through partnerships to balance and live in a diverse society Learn How
The Office of Diné Youth (ODY) is committed to insuring that Navajo Youth under 21 years of age benefit from youth services available to them and that the services be provided in a manner that develops positive attitudes, enhance positive self-image, confidence, maturity, and pride in being a productive member of society. There are agency offices located at Chinle, AZ; Crownpoint, NM; Fort Defiance, AZ; Shiprock, NM; and Tuba City, AZ. The Adminstration office is located in Window Rock, AZ at the Department of Diné Education Center. Youth Career Incentive Program Provides temporary employment opportunities for students ages 14-21. Employment is utilized as an incentive to encourage and motivate youth to stay in school and complete High School, College, or Vocational-Technical education. Guidance is provided to youth seeking additional educational, vocational, and technical alternatives. Enrichment projects to expose youth to various leadership and career awareness experiences are provided or coordinated with various resources. Recreation Program Provides structured, socially positive leisure time activities to meet the various needs and interests of youth to reinforce positive individual growth and development. Recreation Programs are provided to promote physical and mental health, enhance self-esteem, create positive social interaction, and skill development through constructive use of leisure time. The program formulates, promotes, and implements noncompetitive active/passive activities for a diverse youth population, which include sports programs, special events and joint projects. The program also provides education and awareness of health/wellness and physical fitness to youth, families, groups, organizations, and communities. Youth Counseling Program Provides community-based and family oriented alternatives for troubled and/or “high risk” youth through direct services and network systems that foster healthy and positive growth. Our goal is to identify positive alternatives to troubled and/or “high risk” youth and their families through various services and to emphasize and encourage positive family and social interaction. Presentations are provided on substance/alcohol abuse prevention/ intervention, and parenting skills classes at schools, chapters, and communities. High School Preparatory and Enrichment Programs High School Preparatory/Enrichment scholarship funds are available for talented youth during the Academic year. See your agency office for application and deadlines. The Enrichment Program is available to eligible students from 7-12 grades who wish to take pre-college courses during the summer. See your agency office for application and deadlines. Our Partners The Office of Dine Youth works closely with many local programs and organizations including the following: Navajo Housing Authority I.H.S. Health Promotion/Disease Prevention I.H.S. Department of Behavioral Health Services Navajo Nation Department of Behavioral Health Services Local schools and school districts Local law enforcement agencies Partnerships are available – see your agency office for more information. Close
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